As per the latest Bollywood news connected with Sushant Singh Rajput (SSR), NCB (Narcotics Control Bureau) has arrested a man named Jagtap Singh Anand. But now, the bureau has arrested two more people as they were involved in supplying drugs to the Bollywood star Sushant Singh Rajput that became one of the reasons for his death.
NCB is currently investigating the drug angle in SSR case. And for that, the bureau has arrested so many people in connection with the case.
Rahila Furniturewala who is known to be a celebrity manager along with Karan Sajnani, a businessman is known to have been arrested by NCB in relation to the drug case.
Both these people were intensely interrogated before taking into custody. After the initial probe, it was established that both pf them are somewhere connected in the drug racket that directly goes to supplying drugs to SSR.
For the last some days, there has been some arrests done by NCB in connection with the SSR case. But if you look things in a broader way, there is nothing much has been done in SSR case.
One thing that still hurts is the passage of 7 months since SSR murder and nothing concrete is done even now. There is no doubt that big names are involved in the killing of Sushant Singh Rajput including some ministers and Bollywood biggies.
If you look at the functioning of CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation), there are so many doubts that are raised since no arrests have been made by the detective agency so far. On the other hand, people of India are expecting high in the case.
What NCB is doing doesn't seem like an eyewash. It means all these agencies are trying to divert the public attention to some other things so that the case can be burred deep into the ground.
Till now, we all have witnessed so many big names into the SSR murder but no concrete action is taken. No doubt, there is huge money and power is involved. Along with that, the possibility of underworld can't be ignored.
By looking at the entire case, it can be ascertained that nothing much is going to come out as no investigating agency seems to work properly into the case. In other words, we can say that all these agencies are not being allowed to work properly into the case. Otherwise, we might have nailed the culprit(s) by now.
Now, if that happens, Bollywood has to face the aftermath of people in such a way that can't be narrated into words. It's because people are really going angry over the sequence of events along with the fact that nothing has been done in the matter so far.
On the other side of it, fans continue to support the SSR movement and expect that we will soon be able to see all those faces who committed such a heinous crime.
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