The makers of Akshay Kumar starrer Laxmmi Bomb have received fresh legal notice from Karni Sena. As per the notice served to them, it's stated that the film's title should be changed as it hurts the sentiments of Hindu religion.
The film is to be released directly on OTT platform on November 9, 2020. Laxmmi Bomb has Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani in their lead roles. It will be released on Disney+Hotstar on the said date.
Even before the film was made, it's title created problems for the makers as it hurts the sentiments of HIndu religion. Also, the timing of the film is not right. Since the film is being released near Diwali where the godess Laxmi is worshipped, the makers giving such a title to the film is not acceptable.
This is what LKarni Sena explained in their notice that served to the makers of Laxmmi Bomb yesterday. As per the latest Bollywood news, Akshay Kumar has changed the title of his film. Now, it will be only Laxmmi instead of Laxmmi Bomb.
Ever since the case of Sushant Singh Rajput has come to the surface, Bollywood has become inconsistent due to a number of issues coming forward. Whether it's drugs, rape, murder, nepotism and any other issue, they are connected to the industry in one way or the other.
The industry is likely to see hard time right after the unfortunate incident of Sushant Singh Rajput (SSR) murder. You might have noticed how badly the trailer of Laxmmi Bomb was treated. As per an update, the teaser of Laxmmi Bomb received millions of dislikes from the audience just to give them a clear and precise message.
Now, the film is to be released in early November. It's to be seen how the audience and the people of the country and abroad react to the film. On the other hand, it seems that both Akshay Kumar and his crew is already frightened, especially after people almost rejected the trailer of Laxmmi Bomb.
Now, do you think it would be enough to change the title of this film? The question which the general audience is asking why such people didn't come forward to speak a single word in the murder of SSR.
This is the reason why the audience has almost boycotted Bollywood and most of their films at least for now.
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